Miranda’s Victim (2023) Review

OC Movies
OC Movies, TV & Streaming


The Real-life Story Of A Brave Young Woman Standing Up For Justice

By Liselotte Vanophem

The film festivals are in full swing already! While it’s still a while before Cannes, Venice or Toronto, Berlin, Rotterdam, and Santa Barbara have already been the capital of the film industry this year. During that latest festival, we saw the stunning “Miranda’s Victim”, the latest movie by director Michelle Danner (“The Runner”, “Bad Impulse”). The film, which is based on the gripping true story of Patricia “Trish” Weir, can count on a lot of talent before and behind the camera, and thanks to a superb Abigail Breslin in the lead, “Miranda’s Victim” becomes a gripping and must-watch film about a brave young woman standing up for justice.

Danner takes you back to the ’60s. A conservative time during which a woman’s place in society was nothing more than trying to find a husband, tending to his needs and becoming a housewife. While Trish (Breslin) is only 18, she certainly feels that pressure. Every time she’s off to work at the local cinema, her mum Zeola (Mireille Enos) tells her to behave like a real woman. This means showing almost no skin (otherwise, men would get the wrong impression) and smiling until it hurts. A woman’s smile is her best weapon-Zeola’s words, not ours.

Trish’s life goes its usual way until one day, it doesn’t. After getting off the bus to go home, Trish is brutally kidnapped and raped by Ernesto Miranda (Sebastian Quinn). As if going through this unimaginable time wasn’t enough, the aftermath is even worse. Her mum blames Trish for what happened to her, America’s legal system is biased, and society certainly has no sympathy for rape victims. However, Trish proves to be incredibly strong, and with the support of her sister An (Emily VanCamp), she decides to go to the police to tell her story. But will the detective believe her in the first place?

When Danner heard about Trish’s story, she knew she had to use it for her next film. During our interview, she mentioned that she “was immediately excited because I have a fascination with true crime stories. I immediately connected to what it took for her to stand up and seek justice.” And when watching “Miranda’s Victim”, you’ll understand why it will be a crucial film for years. We’re now sixty years after the facts, but it’s clear that still, a lot has to be done when it comes to supporting rape victims and helping them to find justice. While the MeToo movement is certainly a big step in the right direction, a lot of women are still staying silent about their sexual abuse, especially the ones who aren’t famous, who don’t have a supportive network and who still feel that they caused their assault.

Trish’s story is told from multiple sides, not only from her perspective but also through the eyes of her family, Miranda and the lawyers of both parties. Because of the emotional and truthful story and the different perspectives, you need a superb cast. That’s what exactly Danner got! Before becoming a filmmaker, she was a legendary acting coach, so she knows a thing or two about putting on a terrific performance. When watching this movie, it’s clear that she has an eye for superb talent.

The star that shines the brightest in this movie is, without a doubt, Breslin (“ Zombieland: Double Tap”, “ Maggie”), who brings a lot of nuances, emotions, and heartbreak to this project. She will move you to tears with her best performance to date, and we hope to see much more of her in the future. Her supporting cast is top-notch too. From the always impeccable Donald Sutherland (“ Ad Astra”, “Aurora Borealis”) as Judge Wren to the terrific performance by VanCamp (“Ben Hur”, “Norman”) and from Enos (“ The Lie “, “World War Z”) her efficient but maddening performance to the wonderful Luke Wilson (“Bottle Rocket”, “Legally Blonde”) as the slick and ready-to-go-to-battle lawyer.

We also have to congratulate the people behind the camera. Rick Butler (“The Longest Week”, “Peep”) and Lily Guerin (“A Dream Beyond the Dark”, “Pentimento”) their production design transports you immediately back in time, and Holly Amber Church’s music adds a lot of atmosphere and sentiment to this movie.

Despite not knowing which ones yet, “Miranda’s Victim” has already been selected for many film festivals. It’s understandable why. This movie might feel small in size, but it’s massive in what it achieves. With a stunning Breslin in the lead and a heart-breaking and real-life story that everyone needs to hear, every film festival should include Danner’s latest movie in its program.

There is no U.K. release date yet for “Miranda’s Victim”, but keep an eye on the movie’s social media account to stay up-to-date with the latest film festival screenings and release date announcements.

Originally published at https://www.ocmoviereviews.com.

